Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Notes & Quotes Document

Critical Investigation Document

Q: To what extent are on-screen Hollywood villains, such as ‘The Dark Knight’s’ 'Joker', having an impact on the audience?

Total words: 2,338

During the release of Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated and final take on the Batman movie, fans have been eagerly waiting for the film’s release. However, when the film had launched in Aurora, an incident took place regarding a male shooting people in the theatre who were watching the new Batman film. The man, known as James Holmes was arrested, and when Police wanted to know the reasons for the shooting, James simply stated ‘I am the Joker’. He even went to the extent to mimic the characters comic book portrayal by booby-trapping his room, if some and to enter it the bomb would go off.

[2] Documentary of the batman shootings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeQgz9uDhqY

This documentary is the coverage of the Aurora shootings and the in depth investigation of what lead to this event from taking place. I could use evidence from the documentary to show the fear and emotions that people were having towards this event and drawing up a link between he on screen Joker portrayal, as the accused had been stated to have been mimicking the characters on screen doings in reality- this being one of them.

A famous craze has been scouring the globe, as people dressed like clowns. Some have led to believe that the sightings are influenced partly by the Joker iconic appearance. A recent film called ‘Suicide Squad’ had the appearance of ‘the new Joker’ which held the iconic characters comic book portrayal as a cynical villain.

[4] Barrie Gunter: The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked (1998)

This book is about the effect that video games have on children who play them. Although, my argument isn’t to do with video games, it is linked with the media having an impact on audiences. I could use this as proof that characters on multi-media platforms such as games, are causing audience/players to be influenced to do something (may be a good/bad deed). I would like to write a small section regarding this as I am showing wider knowledge of other industries that can have the same impact as cinema does.

[5] Kirsh Olczak- https://www.geneseo.edu/~kirsh/vita/kirsh%20olczak.pdf (2002)

This document is about the comparison that violent comic books have compared with non-violent comic books. This is similar to the games link. Although, this isn’t a reference to films, however the reference to the film’s original source material. As I am talking about ‘The Dark Knight’ it origin of story is from the comic book adaptation produced by DC comics. Therefore, if there is seen to be graphic content on screen, there may be graphic content seen within the comic book. And I would like to show that print has a part to take when such controversial texts are being noticed by the public.

[6] Looper staff- 

This article draws the conclusion that the ‘Joker’ character has had on the actors who played them. And use valid evidence to show the effects of such a character would have on an actor. This site will come useful as it shows the impact that the Joker has had on each and every one of their individual lives. I could use this as a reference that the character has had more than one impact on a person other than Heath Ledger.

[7] Maximillien de Lafayette- Hollywood's Earth Shattering Scandals: The infamous, villains, nymphomaniacs and shady character in motion pictures. 8th Edition. 

This book reveals the truth behind actors and actresses off set from a movie production. Their on screen portrayals are what blinds the aud8ience into thinking that is their real life portrayals; however the reality is hidden off screen. The book shows cases from famous faces in Hollywood who have suffered from traumatic experiences of drugs relationship problems. I could use this as a way to show how; the on screen character may take a toll on the actor’s life, or even create a disruption in their lives. For example, Heath Ledger locked himself in a room (hotel room) to fully dive in to the Joker role, this made Ledger’s real life self very different compared to before portraying the Joker.

[8] Gina Misiroglu- The Supervillain Book: The Evil Side of Comics and Hollywood

This book is about the iconic villains in all texts such as comics, and it explored their creator’s mind-set and end goal in which they would want the character to be portrayed. I could use this text as it could show the intentions that the Joker creator (Bill Finger) wanted the character to come across. He may have wanted the reader to be scared and frightened of his character.

[9] Aurora cinema shooting BBC article:

This BBC article shows the traumatic aftermath that the shooting had had on the citizens of Aurora. It also goes in to detail, of what the accused killer had done in preparation to leading up to the event. I could use this, as evidence to show that the Joker has actually had an impact on viewer, as the killer stated in court “I am the Joker”. He even went to the extent of booby-trapping his room.

[10] News link (Gun sales going up after theatre shootings):

This article shows the rise in the number of guns and weaponry going up in America after the shooting of Aurora. This can also act as evidence as I could use statistics, to back-up the point that people in America have been influenced by this act made by James Holmes.

[11] News link (Heath Ledger death conspiracy):

This website is about the Joker’s impact on Heath Ledgers life. It states that the role he was doing had influenced him to go into depression and do drugs which tragically lead him to his death. I could use this article to show how the character had influenced the actor and how this may have an impact on the audience members who view this character as ‘the greatest’.

[12] News link (Ledger’s notebook conspiracy):

[13] News link (Obama’s reaction to the shootings):

This BBC article shows the shear reaction that Obama had towards the Aurora shooting, and his determination to crack down on tightening gun laws in the US. It shows how the impact of gun violence has led to the government trying to put something into place.

Author: R.Rampton (Amazon review) Quote~ “Fantastic artwork and dark thrills are going to make this a winner on Christmas day, i know it. Only problem... I was sorely tempted to keep it for myself!”
This review from Amazon about a graphic novel dedicated to the origin story of Joker shows how its dark atmosphere and r-rated theme creates a positive impact on the reader. Normally, people associate this tone with adult content, and comics are to do with children. However, to read this text, they seem to accept it, it could be possible that they are also accepting the events that go on in that novel.

[15] Jared Leto’s psychopathic off-screen acting:

In this article it shows how the newest addition to actors playing the Joker, has been suspiciously been acting somewhat awkward to cast members as well as in real life. Jared Leto who is going to play the new Joker in 2016’s Suicide Squad, has dedicated all his time in to playing the Joker. Some much so, when he’s off screen he wants people (cast members, director and crew) to call him Mr J (which is a short abbreviation to Joker). It shows how the character he was playing has taken grips of his life and he is acting scary on set.

[16] A tweet from a highly acclaimed person regarding Ledger’s death:
William H. Macy- Quote~ “My heart goes out to his family and his kid. I don’t know, you know, people have demons. Sometimes it’s hard to see them”
This is a tweet from an iconic person within the media who has written a tweet sending his condolences to Ledgers family members, but also expressing his views on the situation. Towards the end of his tweet he reinforces the fact that there was a darker side the Ledger, and that people were blinded by this fact. It goes to show, how people who didn’t even know the actor, believe that there is a different side to the story than before.

[17] Do fictional characters on screen have an impact on audience members?
This is an article created by Thalia R. Goldstein who has created an in depth article about the impact that fictional character have on audience members. I believe that this article is very vital for my critical investigation as it is arguing a similar point to what my critical investigation is based off of. I could use a lot of quotes from this article alone as it has more of a direct link to what my investigation is to do with.

[18] Wikipedia document on the ‘Mass Media’-
Similar to the previous link, this is a wiki article about the influence of mass media. Although it isn’t a ‘direct’ link to my critical investigation, I need to show the audience side as well and this article is very audience heavy which can aid me in that field.

[19] Joker influences in real life-

I could talk about, how there is proof that characters such as the Joker have had an actual impact on audience members, as this article shows 9 crimes that have been influenced by the on screen character to commit crimes. Although, it doesn’t work for every audience member, I am talking about the fact that there is a possibility that an audience member will be influenced to re-enact the characters portrayal on screen in real life.

[20] Man dressed as Batman to fight clown craze:

[21] News-paper article on IT (film remake) and its influence on the killer clown craze influence:
London Evening Standard (broadsheet) - Page 5
This article is about the recent craze that the world (first America) had faced with which was known as ‘The Killer Clown craze’. This was an event at spread across the world where people would dress like a clown and scare people in public. This has seen to be influenced by the recent release of the new ‘IT’ remake, where this craze had originally originated from. This is another form of research which I could use to back up my critical investigation title as it links very much to what I am arguing.

[22] Man dressed as batman to fight crime (Bromley Batman):
This is another vital research link that is about a man dressed as batman and goes out fighting crime. The reason why I chose this article for my footnotes, is because it also linked to my critical investigation title, of Hollywood characters influencing the audience to put what they see on screen in to reality. I want to show the alternative side to my argument, that it’s not only negative things that the audience are influenced by; but the good as well. I want to talk about how there are people who inspire to be the heroes they see on screen and want to deter those who do wrong. That is what the article is about; it’s about a man who is serving justice similar to the on screen adaptation of the character.

[23] Book text (1):

This academic book is a collection of essay’s that that explore how children are affected by multi-media strategies as well as their consuming culture towards media texts. I believe this to be a vital text as it can show how certain segments of audience members react to what they see on screen and throughout the media.

[24] Book text (2):

This acemedic book is about the impact Hollywood movies have on a non-American audience. This is of great value to my investigation as it can help with the audience section of my argument. I can discuss the difference that films have depending on different audiences in different regions of the wold. I can talk about how different cultures can portray a movie in a different way to an American film. In addition, I want to see what does these films do to these audiences, does it create any pattern? Or is there a completely different representation to the audience?

[25] Book text (3):

This is a rather interesting academic text, that discusses films ability to tap in to the viewers mind and create emotions withing them. The reason why I show interest in this text is because films have a very unusual, yet, amazing way of trying to interact with the audience, and to express different emotions to them at once. An example is, the Joker's interrogation which is famously known for the actors realistic portrayal and horror like performance during this scene. It is said that this is one of the most iconic scenes in film history as it really taps in to the mindset of the viewer and makes then feel awkward and frightened upon the Joker. 

[26] Article about Jared Leto sending gifts to fellow cast members of Suicide Squad:
This article is about how a fellow Suicide Squad cast member “Viola Davis” was freaked out after receiving a gift from Jared Leto. Inside the gift box was a dead pig which got Davis scared and worried about Jared Leto. This would be great use as evidence in my critical investigation as I could talk about proof yet again that the character has had on another actor. It even shows the reaction that an actual member of the cast has felt towards his actions of a psychopath.
[27] Media Magazine regarding Dark Knight Trilogy (MM44, Page 37)

[28] Media Magazine regarding villains in films (MM57, Page 19)

Friday, 21 October 2016

Tutorial Session 21/10

Feedback for Critical Investigation Research


New working title for Critical Investigation:

Q: To what extent are on-screen Hollywood villains, such as ‘The Dark Knight’s’ 'Joker', having an impact on the audience?

- Develop points in MIGRAIN analysis

- More examples

- More specific points


- More book references on audience effects


- More academic references in internal section 

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Critical Investigation: Project Proposal 1


Image result for deadpool

Working title:

Deadpool: To what extent is Deadpool a fan driven film, or a money making scheme?


The sense of dumming down the audience in to viewing content that was previously aimed at children, now to be targeted to the adults, and they too get trapped in this mainstream bubble.


Superhero films are now being targeted for the older demographic, and children are going to demand to see these films despite its content.

Linked production piece: 

The linked production piece will be a film, that features content for a r-rated movie (guns, blood etc)


Media Language-

The sound is very much used to tell the story to the audience. It is the basis of telling the narrative and giving the audience essential plot points so that they can look forward or even understand the story line. Many films recently have not used sound very well to tell the audience what is happening or even, what is going to happen in the movie. For example, Batman V Superman uses pointless speech from the character Lex Luthor just to fill up some screen time instead of giving the audience valuable plot details. In addition, Deadpool uses sound to create the sense of humor that the film has built and is one of the driving forces of the film, making it one of the most important parts of the film.

The editing used in this film was very well put together. It fitted in with the character. By having various flash backs and cuts connoted the fragmented life that the main character had, and hardships he faced through-out the narrative. It is used to show how the character got to where he is and why he acts the way he acts. In addition, the editing plays a part in building the sympathy for the on screen character as the audience learn more about his past as the story progresses. 

Institutions- The institution didn't want to make the film in the first place as they believed that not that many people are going to be interested in watching a movie like this. s the years went by, the fanbase for this movie grew tremendously and the institution took the risk and asked for the movie to be made. The institution added small segments within the film in order to help it make a profit. One of which is creating its first shared universe film with the film. Deadpool was the fist Twentieth Century film to feature the X-Men cast as well as universe, similar to how Marvel Studios do their movies. This move played a big part in the merchandising of the film as well as advertisement.

Genre- Being a superhero type film allows people to want to watch it, as they are so familiar with these types of films. Although the film is completely different to its superhero counterparts, it still possess similar qualities such as costume and alter ego. The film carries a shared universe that many superhero films now have. However the film has also set aside a new genre for its self, an r-rated genre is the new genre that this film is categorized in. It fits in with the core nature of the character as in the comics (the original place in which this character originated from) was not like the other superhero characters within the Marvel company. The character had a different take, being a much more explicit character and more comedic than the other superhero's that Marvel have.

Representation- The superhero genre is the one that is being represented. It is being represented in a r-rated fashion, something which is unusual for this type of genre. The ones who are making the representation is the institution behind the film, known as Twentieth Century Fox.

Audience- The text is largely targeting an older audience, something that is unusual for a Marvel film to do, as they have been very loyal to their younger demographic. But due to the hard R-rating that Deadpool has received, it is clear that the film plans to attract an older demographic. The film seems to target ages 18+, as it references a lot of adult related things such as sexual content as well as language. The psycho-graphics associated with the text would be explorers as well as reformers, as they may seek change in the mainstream films and demand something new.

Ideologies- The representation of women plays a crucial part in terms of values and ideologies. The film portrays women much negative than compared to men. For example, women are seen as objects when we see the strip club scene as well as the damsel in distress theme being played out. This creates negative ideologies in the audiences eyes as they may disagree with the films portrayal of the film. In addition, another major value seen within the film would be the crude and horrid nature of the film. Casual movie goers, or parents may be horrified with the films content and one of the main problems is the debate if such a film should be Marvel property.

Narrative- The film follows a non linear narrative (and multi-strand narrative) in which flashbacks and other time-lines are shown where needed. For example, the film starts of with Wade Wilson (alter ego of Deadpool) as Deadpool, and doesn't go into detail about his origin until a few minutes later. Typically in a superhero film, there is generally always a liner narrative as the film makers want the audience to grasp the past story of the character as it may be relevant further on. A good example would be, Same Ramey's Spiderman (1) where we see uncle Ben's death, and this story is very important for the third movie where the protagonist goes to trace his uncles killer. 


  • Due to the ban the film had received from China, due to its explicit content, Ryan Reynolds took to Twitter to reply to China by using various swear words towards the government
  • there was a lot of advertising for the film which made the film much well known, and the advertising was done so well
  • people began making cos-play costumes of the character in order to watch the film, so that they can express their fandom for this moment 
  • Deadpool character first appeared in issue #98 in 1991
  • Was in development since 2004 (as a film)
  • Was a film that was not going to happen (institution believed the film won't pass the pilot stage)
  • the film made $760.3 million at the box office
  • is considered the first r-rated film to break a huge number at the box office
  •  the film has a low budget (due to the high risk potential the film had) of $50 million
  • film was banned in China
  • the institution didn't (at first) want to make the movie r-rated due to the high success rate of their x-men franchise (which was pg 13)

Deemed as an unusual certification choice for a Marvel property character. The film had received a hard r-rating which is seen as one of the most graphic ratings in America. Generally, the types of films rated r in America are of 18 age certificate in England.


Ownership and control- The institution influencing such content to be released even though they have a strong track record, and are known for, pg 13 superhero movies. To do a r-rated changes their views.
Media effects- The film does create a lot of controversy in the media. Angered parents, are claiming that the media didn't touch on the nature this film had. As if, this film was like any other Marvel movie.
News values- There was not very much, if any, news takes on this films release. I believe that for a film that's part of the well-known Marvel branding is rated-r, it is in the new's interest and responsibility to raise awareness to parents. Letting them know of the difference this film holds as print versions of the film don't really show the true crude nature of the film,
Regulation and censorship- The film is known for his sexual and crude nature and needs to be regulated. Since there is a huge gap between the British and American ages rating, there needs to be some sort of regulation within the British community in order to ensure that the film is suitable for certain people.
Moral panics- Parents may be worried that r-rated/explicit content is the future for superhero movies. They may be in a state of shock that their children may be prone to watching these types of films simply because it has the Marvel branding on it. 

  • Male gaze-  The film does contain a bit of pornographic content at the beginning of the film, which may provide audience pleasure for men. As they are seeing a women performing sexual acts. It is the men doing the looking, and the women are watching themselves being looked at. 
  • Female gaze- The main character is well known for his looks. Part of the endorsement for the film was the main actor; Ryan Reynolds. He is famously known for his looks and it is no doubt, that the film received a lot of views (not entirely based off of women, but was influenced slightly) by women who want to just see Ryan Reynolds. And since he appears naked in the film, women are dong the looking at the actor.
  • Uses and gratifications theory- Since the film was in development since 2004, the leaked test footage had attracted a lot of nostalgic fans who have been clambering for the character to receive his own theatrical film release. Therefore, the majority of the views the film had received at the box office was partly due to the nostalgic fans who have been waiting for Deadpool to be put on the big screen for a long time.
  • Gender and ethnicity- The film follows a lot of stereotypical views. One of which is the stereotype of an Indian male. The stereotype of an Indian man being portrayed as a taxi driver is reinforced in this film through the character Dopinder. The film also stereotypes the name using 'inder' at the end of the name to show the audience that the character is from Indian origin. Moreover, the character portrays an Indian accent to make it more comedic. Women in this film are represented more than men. Roles such as 'damsel in distress'is a key role that is made fun of through out the film as well as portraying women as sex objects, as there is a scene where the film takes place in a strip club and there are women who are naked performing on stage. 
  • Audience theories- Audience may have two reactions towards the film as it carries good and bad things. Audience may like what they see as it is true to the character from the comics. On the other hand, people who are average movie goers may dislike the film simply because it may be considered a 'shame' to the Marvel Franchise. 
  • Genre theories- There is a lot of controversy that circulates entirely on the genre of the film. The film is from the Marvel franchise, most popularly known for delivering its content to a child audience as well as comic book fans. However, Deadpool film is a film  that doesn't follow the norm of it previous Marvel counterparts as it has a completely different tone and setting compared to the other Marvel movies. 
Research plan-

Media texts: Deadpool

Other texts, Watchmen, Batman V Superman and Kickass (1&2), Dredd and The Killing Joke

TV Documentaries/content:
  • Film trailers- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIM1HydF9UA
  • Documentary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhaSG2zagbA
Academic texts/books:

  • Kendrick James- Hollywood Bloodshed: Violence in 1980s American Cinema
  • Arthur De Vany- Does Hollywood Make Too Many R‐Rated Movies? Risk, Stochastic Dominance, and the Illusion of Expectation
  • Gina M- Exposure to X-Rated Movies and Adolescents' Sexual and Contraceptive-Related Attitudes and Behaviors
  • G Escamilla- Women and smoking in Hollywood movies: a content analysis
  • Andrew R- Injury Prevention Practices as Depicted in G-Rated and PG-Rated Movies

Internal links:
  • Twitter tweets- http://metro.co.uk/2016/02/04/ryan-reynolds-has-a-strong-message-for-the-chinese-sensors-who-banned-deadpool-f-you-5661609/
  • News links- 




Critical Investigation: Project Proposal 2

The Dark Knight

Image result for dark knight rises

Working title:

To what extent are on screen Hollywood villains, such as The Dark Knights 'Joker', having an impact on audience members?


Can create a sense of moral panics to parents, who's children are growing up watching these types of superhero movies, due to the iconic character like Batman.


Film characters, especially the villains are becoming ever more realistic and scary, and audiences have become more accepted to this new change in cinema and attitude to other people.

Linked production piece: 

Production piece will be a short 4-5 minute film. The link between this text and the film is that they are both film texts. I want to dedicate a film from the villains point of view as my investigation is to do with a villain. There are beginning to be more villain lead films since Suicide Squad and Deadpool have had their theatrical debut.


Media Language-

Sound; the main form of sound heard within the film is the diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. These include, sounds of punching, police sirens, actors voices. As for non-diegetic sound, there is voice overs, as well as Film score being played over the scenes.

Editing; the editing of the film is non-linear as flashbacks occur for characters. The editing has also featured a montage edit of multiple actions taking place.

Mise-en-scene: The visual style of the film is part of the reason why it is critically acclaimed as one of 'the best' trilogies ever. Everything to the cape&cowl to the batmobile, have been a homage to the comic adaptation with their own turn of modern aesthetics.

Institution- The institution that owns The Dark Knight and the rest of the DC property is Warner Bros. They hired Christopher Nolan to helm the trilogy for the films. The film had a budget of $250 million, and received over $433 million in profit from the release of the film. Although those are impressive, the previous film in the trilogy 'The Dark Knight' gained over $533 million in profit, giving it the upper hand.

Genre- The genre of the film is action/thriller superhero. The film is based off of the comic adaptation from the Batman comics produced by DC. The genre is mainly aimed to target at younger generation as they are the ones more familiar to the characters, however the film suggests otherwise. Since we have now seen the addition of Man of Steel (2013), we have seen the birth of the DCEU which is the cinematic universe of the DC characters. However, the events and the time-line of this film is not associated with the DCEU.

Representation- The representation of male's is heavily subjected in this film. The use of male dominance from both Batman and Bane over female characters follow the representation of Damsel in Distress as well as patriarchal men. In addition, the representation of a woman has been put in the light. Catwoman makes her first appearance in this trilogy where she doesn't play the 'typical' damsel in distress role that comic book films commonly have. Instead it gives an alternative portrayal of a woman to be the hero along side batman.

Audience- The stereotype of superhero movies being aimed at a youth dominated audience is proven to be false with the birth of Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. The film had shown a new form of superhero films, a dark and gritty tone. All three of Nolan's films have shown the success of the DC characters to take a more dark approach to fans rather than the light hearted tone that Marvel films are known for.

Ideologies- people's perception of this dark tone was relatively positive. This was a unique approach to a child-themed franchise, and delivered something new and fresh to the audience. However, there were some people who dislike the dark gritty tone of the superhero genre and demand a much more light tone that of the Marvel franchise do.

Narrative- The narrative of the film is multi-strand as all the narratives of the characters past all come together to the main plot. In addition, the narrative is also a non-linear narrative as flash-backs occur, disrupting the linear story. The disequilibrium begins when we (the audience) learn the motive and introduction of Bane who will be the protagonists main antagonist.


  • the story of when Heath Ledger died during the first few days of the release of The Dark Knight had rose some suspicion
  • media creating controversy over the man's death had rose suspicion of cinema content
  • the gun shooting had taken place when the final instalment of Nolan's batman film- The Dark Knight Rises
  • claimed as one of the best comic movie adaptation ever
  • the actor who played the Joker had died during the theatrical release of the second instalment
  • the director (Christopher Nolan) wanted to do a dark tone for his trilogy  
  • the film had made $1.085 billion at the box office
  • the film had a $250 million budget
  • TDK is the most successful DC movie thus far (both financially as well narrative wise)
  • Warner Bros believed that dark tone is what will make their superhero products stand out from Marvels
  • the film had also shown a different side to American society, with corrupt police officers, creating suspicion over the current police force and the law
  • the shooting had, yet again, proved the president right, that there should be a ban in gun laws. And, was one of many events to be listed as one of the reasons for banning guns in America
  • Media effects- The controversy that the shootings had didn't negatively affect the media to a large extent as they were the ones reporting the news and delivering any information relevant for viewers.
  • Regulation and censorship- after the shootings had taken place, there was nothing put in place to regulate the character portrayal when it would finally be released on to the broadcast platform. This could be the fact that the institution didn't believe that the characters realistic portrayal didn't have any effect on audiences. People who did believe that the character 'Joker' did have some form of impact, would demand censorship when being broadcasted. 
  • Moral panics- as films progress, they become ever more realistic and tap into the audiences reality. Parents in particular may be worried of the outcome of the superhero genre revealing such characters to their children. As the Joker is seen in the animated series as well as the stand alone Lego Batman movie (2017).
  • Ownership and control- institutions like Warner Bro's should have some control when green lighting characters for feature films. Due to the outcome of the event, many institutions like Warner Bro's carefully select the right characters to be placed on the big screen, instead of the original way of the director choosing. 
  • News values- one reason why I would link news values to this critical investigation is because the news had created parts of the conspiracy around the actor's death, forcing it into many peoples mind to believe that the Joker character was having an impact on his daily lives. Families and friends of the actor may be dis-heartened to see that the news can go to any extent in order to gain viewers interest. 
  • Hypodermic needle model theory- it is the media that had begun stiring up controversy that the character 'Joker' (played by Heath Ledger) was having an impact on the actor's real life. Stating that he had become the Joker and couldn't tell between fantasy and reality, which resulted in his death. 
  • Audience theories- audience who view this content of such realistic character, are they likely to be influenced by the actions seen on screen, and behave like them?
  • Genre theories- should the superhero genre, who have been proclaimed as the king of films (to this day) be allowed to show content like this? Especially, at times where younger audiences are now visiting the cinema more frequently.
  • Dyer's lines of appeal- the appeal of dreams and fantasy very much links in with the context, if audiences can tell the difference between the real life and what's not.
  • Propp- The representation of the villain. Propp had stated that it is the villain who causes the dis-equilibrium in the hero's life. I want to see, if Propp's theory is limited in any way, as the villain has more than just cause dis-equilibrium, or can they also impact on audiences mind?
Research plan-

Media texts: The Dark Knight

Other texts, Goodfellas, Star Wars (light saber ban), Scarface and Straight Outta Compton, Child's Play, IT (re-make) and Clockwork Orange, Black Mass...more

TV Documentary:
  • Information of the batman shootings- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Aurora_shooting
  • Documenaary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeQgz9uDhqY
Academic texts/books:
  • Barrie Gunter: The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked (1998)
  • Kirsh Olczak- https://www.geneseo.edu/~kirsh/vita/kirsh%20olczak.pdf (2002)
  • Looper staff- http://www.looper.com/13883/joker-haunted-every-actor-played-role/
  • Maximillien de Lafayette- Hollywood's Earth Shattering Scandals: The infamous, villains, nymphomaniacs and shady character in motion pictures. 8th Edition. Book/Part 3
  • Gina Misiroglu- The Supervillain Book : The Evil Side of Comics and Hollywood
  • Thalia R. Goldstein- Do fictional characters on screen have an impact on audience members?
  • Karin Beeler- Children's Film in the Digital Age: Essays on Audience, Adaptation and Consumer Culture
Internal links:
  • News links:

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18937513
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18981769
  3. http://www.hindustantimes.com/hollywood/what-killed-heath-ledger-documentary-reveals-chilling-details/story-INYcak19qwQOeYeLuuwyGN.html
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3193027/Documentary-Heath-Ledger-s-father-reveals-journal-actor-kept-prepared-role-Joker-resurfaces.html
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18949783
  6. Melvyn Stokes- Hollywood Abroad: Audiences and Cultural Exchange
  7. Timothy McGlinchey- Audience and Empathy. Film as a Uniquely Evocative Medium
  8. Thalia R. Goldstein- Do Fictional Characters Affect Our Real Life?