Monday, 14 November 2016

Updated Notes and Quotes Document

Updated Version

Q: To what extent are on-screen Hollywood villains, such as ‘The Dark Knight’s’ 'Joker', having an impact on the audience?

Total words: 4,542

During the release of Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated and final take on the Batman movie, fans have been eagerly waiting for the film’s release. However, when the film had launched in Aurora, an incident took place regarding a male shooting people in the theatre who were watching the new Batman film. The man, known as James Holmes was arrested, and when Police wanted to know the reasons for the shooting, James simply stated ‘I am the Joker’. He even went to the extent to mimic the characters comic book portrayal by booby-trapping his room, if some and to enter it the bomb would go off.

I could use this as an introduction, introducing the examiner to the topic and what is happening as well as what I am arguing. This is because without any contextual insight in to what I am arguing, the examiner won't know what i'm arguing and why I am doing so. Furthermore, this article by WIKI will most definatley help when it comes to developing/creating an introduction. It will help the examiner/marker to understand where i am going with this investigation and where i would like to end up at the end of the critical investigation.

[2] Documentary of the batman shootings:

This documentary is the coverage of the Aurora shootings and the in depth investigation of what lead to this event from taking place. I could use evidence from the documentary to show the fear and emotions that people were having towards this event and drawing up a link between he on screen Joker portrayal, as the accused had been stated to have been mimicking the characters on screen doings in reality- this being one of them.

A famous craze has been scouring the globe, as people dressed like clowns. Some have led to believe that the sightings are influenced partly by the Joker iconic appearance. A recent film called ‘Suicide Squad’ had the appearance of ‘the new Joker’ which held the iconic characters comic book portrayal as a cynical villain.

[4] Barrie Gunter: The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked (1998)

This book is about the effect that video games have on children who play them. Although, my argument isn’t to do with video games, it is linked with the media having an impact on audiences. I could use this as proof that characters on multi-media platforms such as games, are causing audience/players to be influenced to do something (may be a good/bad deed). I would like to write a small section regarding this as I am showing wider knowledge of other industries that can have the same impact as cinema does. 

[5] Kirsh Olczak- (2002)

This document is about the comparison that violent comic books have compared with non-violent comic books. This is similar to the games link. Although, this isn’t a reference to films, however the reference to the film’s original source material. As I am talking about ‘The Dark Knight’ it origin of story is from the comic book adaptation produced by DC comics. Therefore, if there is seen to be graphic content on screen, there may be graphic content seen within the comic book. And I would like to show that print has a part to take when such controversial texts are being noticed by the public. 

[6] Looper staff- 

This article draws the conclusion that the ‘Joker’ character has had on the actors who played them. And use valid evidence to show the effects of such a character would have on an actor. This site will come useful as it shows the impact that the Joker has had on each and every one of their individual lives. I could use this as a reference that the character has had more than one impact on a person other than Heath Ledger. 

[7] Maximillien de Lafayette- Hollywood's Earth Shattering Scandals: The infamous, villains, nymphomaniacs and shady character in motion pictures. 8th Edition. 

This book reveals the truth behind actors and actresses off set from a movie production. Their on screen portrayals are what blinds the aud8ience into thinking that is their real life portrayals; however the reality is hidden off screen. The book shows cases from famous faces in Hollywood who have suffered from traumatic experiences of drugs relationship problems. I could use this as a way to show how; the on screen character may take a toll on the actor’s life, or even create a disruption in their lives. For example, Heath Ledger locked himself in a room (hotel room) to fully dive in to the Joker role, this made Ledger’s real life self very different compared to before portraying the Joker. 

[8] Gina Misiroglu- The Supervillain Book: The Evil Side of Comics and Hollywood

This book is about the iconic villains in all texts such as comics, and it explored their creator’s mind-set and end goal in which they would want the character to be portrayed. I could use this text as it could show the intentions that the Joker creator (Bill Finger) wanted the character to come across. He may have wanted the reader to be scared and frightened of his character. 

[9] Aurora cinema shooting BBC article

This BBC article shows the traumatic aftermath that the shooting had had on the citizens of Aurora. It also goes in to detail, of what the accused killer had done in preparation to leading up to the event. I could use this, as evidence to show that the Joker has actually had an impact on viewer, as the killer stated in court “I am the Joker”. He even went to the extent of booby-trapping his room.

[10] News link (Gun sales going up after theatre shootings): 

This article shows the rise in the number of guns and weaponry going up in America after the shooting of Aurora. This can also act as evidence as I could use statistics, to back-up the point that people in America have been influenced by this act made by James Holmes. Furthermore, this article can also state the opposing side of the argument. The side that American citizens are so convinced that this act can occur any time in the future, that they purchase gun's and weapons for safety purposes. 

[11] News link (Heath Ledger death conspiracy):

This website is about the Joker’s impact on Heath Ledgers life. It states that the role he was doing had influenced him to go into depression and do drugs which tragically lead him to his death. I could use this article to show how the character had influenced the actor and how this may have an impact on the audience members who view this character as ‘the greatest’.

[12] News link (Ledger’s notebook conspiracy): 

This article goes in depth of how Ledger went in to the role of his most iconic big screen portrayal yet- The Joker. It shows the 'unseen' side of what actually happened and the consiparcy that is built in to this situation. First of all, the video shows the frightning drawings and notes that Leger did to himself via his note book. There were many references to suicidal thoughts and acts throughout his notebook which grew suspicion of Ledgers darker side. The words he was using were very much linked to joker's comic book wording. It created a big conspiracy amongst the press as they were lead to believe (judging on the information found) that Ledger had been in fact under the manipulation of the Joker character and that he subsidies his complete life in to this character that it took over him.

[13] News link (Obama’s reaction to the shootings): 

This BBC article shows the shear reaction that Obama had towards the Aurora shooting, and his determination to crack down on tightening gun laws in the US. It shows how the impact of gun violence has led to the government trying to put something into place. I can bring forth (or reference) the political aspect that this event had had on the US especially the president. This was one of many gun attacks which America faced for years and this speech can show how horrific such events are and the extent to which they cause empathy to one another.

Author: R.Rampton (Amazon review) Quote~ “Fantastic artwork and dark thrills are going to make this a winner on Christmas day, i know it. Only problem... I was sorely tempted to keep it for myself!”
This review from Amazon about a graphic novel dedicated to the origin story of Joker shows how its dark atmosphere and r-rated theme creates a positive impact on the reader. Normally, people associate this tone with adult content, and comics are to do with children. However, to read this text, they seem to accept it, it could be possible that they are also accepting the events that go on in that novel.

[15] Jared Leto’s psychopathic off-screen acting:

In this article it shows how the newest addition to actors playing the Joker, has been suspiciously been acting somewhat awkward to cast members as well as in real life. Jared Leto who is going to play the new Joker in 2016’s Suicide Squad, has dedicated all his time in to playing the Joker. Some much so, when he’s off screen he wants people (cast members, director and crew) to call him Mr J (which is a short abbreviation to Joker). It shows how the character he was playing has taken grips of his life and he is acting scary on set.

[16] A tweet from a highly acclaimed person regarding Ledger’s death: 

William H. Macy- Quote“My heart goes out to his family and his kid. I don’t know, you know, people have demons. Sometimes it’s hard to see them”
This is a tweet from an iconic person within the media who has written a tweet sending his condolences to Ledgers family members, but also expressing his views on the situation. Towards the end of his tweet he reinforces the fact that there was a darker side the Ledger, and that people were blinded by this fact. It goes to show, how people who didn’t even know the actor, believe that there is a different side to the story than before.

[17] Do fictional characters on screen have an impact on audience members?

This is an article created by Thalia R. Goldstein who has created an in depth article about the impact that fictional character have on audience members. I believe that this article is very vital for my critical investigation as it is arguing a similar point to what my critical investigation is based off of. I could use a lot of quotes from this article alone as it has more of a direct link to what my investigation is to do with.

[18] Wikipedia document on the ‘Mass Media’-

Similar to the previous link, this is a wiki article about the influence of mass media. Although it isn’t a ‘direct’ link to my critical investigation, I need to show the audience side as well and this article is very audience heavy which can aid me in that field. I can gain more knowledge of the mass media and how they are feel towards certain texts being shown. It's data being shown from a group of people rather than individual.

[19] Joker influences in real life-

I could talk about, how there is proof that characters such as the Joker have had an actual impact on audience members, as this article shows 9 crimes that have been influenced by the on screen character to commit crimes. Although, it doesn’t work for every audience member, I am talking about the fact that there is a possibility that an audience member will be influenced to re-enact the characters portrayal on screen in real life. 

[20] Man dressed as Batman to fight clown craze:

This article is a little different to the one I am going to be discussing further one regarding the 'Bromely Batman'. In fact this article is about despite the wide spread of clown crazes who have largely been influenced by the new 'IT' movie poster, there is also a man dressed as batman on the streets. This article shows how even a hero on screen can be mimicked by audience members and it is not entirely based around the villain. This article shows a man dressed as batman who is hunting the streets of his home town for clown, so that he can scare them and deter them from appearing again. This is essentially a mimic of the onscreen duo Batman and Joker and it is being re-enacted in real life. 

I can talk about this article in my critical investigation by showing that it isn't always the villain that can be influential, but also the hero. I believe this can bring forth some levity and balance to the critical investigation as I am showing the marker/examiner that I can see the point from both sides of my argument.

[21] News-paper article on IT (film remake) and its influence on the killer clown craze influence:
London Evening Standard (broadsheet) - Page 5
This article is about the recent craze that the world (first America) had faced with which was known as ‘The Killer Clown craze’. This was an event at spread across the world where people would dress like a clown and scare people in public. This has seen to be influenced by the recent release of the new ‘IT’ remake, where this craze had originally originated from. This is another form of research which I could use to back up my critical investigation title as it links very much to what I am arguing. 

[22] Man dressed as batman to fight crime (Bromley Batman):
This is another vital research link that is about a man dressed as batman and goes out fighting crime. The reason why I chose this article for my footnotes, is because it also linked to my critical investigation title, of Hollywood characters influencing the audience to put what they see on screen in to reality. I want to show the alternative side to my argument, that it’s not only negative things that the audience are influenced by; but the good as well. I want to talk about how there are people who inspire to be the heroes they see on screen and want to deter those who do wrong. That is what the article is about; it’s about a man who is serving justice similar to the on screen adaptation of the character. 

[23] Book text (1):

This academic book is a collection of essay’s that that explore how children are affected by multi-media strategies as well as their consuming culture towards media texts. I believe this to be a vital text as it can show how certain segments of audience members react to what they see on screen and throughout the media. I don't want to subjectify my critical investigation to a singular age group (that being of the adult category). I believe it is equally important to add balance to the argument and discuss its impact towards kids. This will work well as my text is in close relation/link to the children age group as it is regarding superhero movies like Batman and therefore it is key to include information about their opinions on content.

Furthermore, the idea that children's views on films in the 21st century have changed so much since the 20th century. Somethings have become the 'norm' of movies such as witnessing blood splatter out of a man's mouth, or someone being exploded by a hero. These are all things that happen in children films showing that films are in fact keeping up with children's ideology changes towards films and what they deem as acceptable and extreme. Sexual scenes is obviously something that isn't for young children, but kissing is. This text could dive in to the fact that children's aception of films may have changed and may suggest a reason for them to accept the Dark Knight trilogy as a 'superhero film' and have nop issues regarding its dark and gritty atmosphere. 

[24] Book text (2):

This acemedic book is about the impact Hollywood movies have on a non-American audience. This is of great value to my investigation as it can help with the audience section of my argument. I can discuss the difference that films have depending on different audiences in different regions of the wold. I can talk about how different cultures can portray a movie in a different way to an American film. In addition, I want to see what does these films do to these audiences, does it create any pattern? Or is there a completely different representation to the audience? These are the questions I want to answer as they are vital to the impact of the overall argument of the question. This link reference in my critical investigation can bring forth a lot of balance as I wont be arguing one side of the argument, that it 'only' affects' American audiences, but also its wider context as a whole, whether or not it has the same impact as American audiences do. I can talk about the impact in countries such as India, China (if its even shown there), Germany etc.

[25] Book text (3):

This is a rather interesting academic text, that discusses films ability to tap in to the viewers mind and create emotions withing them. The reason why I show interest in this text is because films have a very unusual, yet, amazing way of trying to interact with the audience, and to express different emotions to them at once. An example is, the Joker's interrogation which is famously known for the actors realistic portrayal and horror like performance during this scene. It is said that this is one of the most iconic scenes in film history as it really taps in to the mindset of the viewer and makes then feel awkward and frightened upon the Joker. 

[26] Article about Jared Leto sending gifts to fellow cast members of Suicide Squad:

This article is about how a fellow Suicide Squad cast member “Viola Davis” was freaked out after receiving a gift from Jared Leto. Inside the gift box was a dead pig which got Davis scared and worried about Jared Leto. This would be great use as evidence in my critical investigation as I could talk about proof yet again that the character has had on another actor. It even shows the reaction that an actual member of the cast has felt towards his actions of a psychopath. This could have all just been seen as a prank so that it can get out as a story to the world as 'hype' for the movie as they will finally be getting the Joker they always wanted (that was Heath Ledger's Joker) and wanted someone who can fill in the boots. However, the article goes more in depth in to the actors response and it doesn't seem like its an 'act' of any sort. It seems like the role has had an impact on  the character and these are the traits/signals. 

[27] Media Magazine regarding Dark Knight Trilogy (MM44, Page 37)

This Media Magazine page shows how the Dark Knight had changed significantly to stand for more than just a man wearing a bat-outfit. Stating that Joel Schumacher’s 'Batman and Robin' had ruined any further ideas of a future superhero genre moving forward as this take on the batman had completely ruined the comic book film universe. However Christopher Nolan had in fact 'resurrected' the character.

This is very important to my critical investigation because Media Magazine is a very profound source in this subject and any references to this magazine will show my wider contextual reading. This is a source I could most definitely use as I could talk about how the batman films have changed over time and with new directors taking the role to shift the universe, so does the tone and theme of the character as shown by Nolan's dark and gritty tone to the batman- yet an awesome movie.

[28] Media Magazine regarding villains in films (MM57, Page 19)

[29] Genre and Hollywood. Neale Steve.  Page 10. “there were two main reasons for the appearance of genre and genre’s on the agenda of theorists…. One was the desire to engage in a serious and positive way with popular cinema in general and with Hollywood in particular”.

This quote I believe really sticks out to relate to my question, the idea of exploring a media product and how it really works is something I want to discuss in my critical investigation, and this quote (along with many others) I can really justify my reasoning for some of the statement I have made as well as backing them up with evidence such as this. 

The following quote shows how film genres have the 'desire' to engage the audience in a very serious and positive way. This is the travel of emotions from the screen to the audience which plays a key role in my investigation. The system of how a content consumed and how it affects the consumer is something I want to investigate further in to. 

[30] Genre and Hollywood. Neale Steve.  Page 10. “Hollywood and its films- on the grounds that they were commercially produced, that they were aimed at a mass market, that they were ideologically or aesthetically 

This quote shows the angle of which cinema in general, how it was trying to work and what made it work in that way. For example, aesthetics and ideologies put into theatre productions all has a play towards creating this 'commercial' system. This quote can be used in my critical investigation as I write about the shift in Hollywood as a product and how much its content has changed over the years and that it isn't what it once was. It has become many segments of the picture market, by having niche audiences and indie audiences, people enjoy movies from different languages and ideologies which is what has changed Hollywood so drastically over the years.

[31] Genre and Hollywood. Neale Steve.  Page 10. “…that they were imbued with the values of entertainment and fantasy rather than those of realism, art or serious aesthetic stylization”.

This quote is a very significant one. It shows how the traditional way of film-making was and how it 'always' was. Now we see this go out of date to an extent. Film's are now trying to become more realistic and are fading away from this 'fantasy' world which it has been creating for numerous years. It has become 'mainstream' and the new niche 'realism' is becoming the 'new mainstream'. Films such as superhero movies, biopics as well as war films have now changed the face of Hollywood and what it was before is completely different to what it is now. 

[32] Genre and Hollywood. Neale Steve.  Page 11. “The second was that in the cinema, the figure equivalent to the artist or author (auteur) in painting or in literature was- or could be- the director”.   

This quote references a text I previously studies (A Field in England), where the director was presented as the auteur; the selling point. The reason why I included this quote in this document and why I want to reference it in my critical investigation is because it can show how the directors has an influence in changing the character of the film to be more menacing and how his script had played a part in creating this strong and frightening character that we see on screen. Nolan has been a critically acclaimed director for many years and his scripts are no exception. He really knows how to get the best out of an actor even if the world doesn't see it.

To conclude, i am considering not to use this quote as it will drive away the attention from my core argument as it is more of the directors influence, however if I do decide it to be 'necessary' I will include a short segment about the directors influence on how the character should be portrayed to the audience.

[33] Genre and Hollywood. Neale Steve.  Page 11. “The impact of auteurism on film criticism in general and on the criticism and appreciation of Hollywood films in particular was immense. It enabled both a systematic charting of a great deal of Hollywood’s output, and much detailed discussion of form, style, theme and mise-en-scene”. 

This quote focuses more on the viewers and critics and how their voices/comments have steered the boat of Hollywood to making better films for all to consume. I could reference this quote by talking about a how the X-Men films were really the first superhero[esk] film to be successful and showing institutions that there is a possible profit to have been gained from this. And it wasn't until the trilogy of the franchise showed staggering numbers which is what acted as a trigger for Hollywood to invest their money is superhero films. 

[34] Genre and Hollywood. Neale Steve.  Page 12. “Genres may be defined as patterns/forms/styles/structures which transcend individual films, and which supervise both their construction by the film maker, and their reading by an audience”.

This quote is really significant to my question that I am arguing. It talks about how genre's can be defined by the readers interpretations of the film as well as the director. I could talk about how film's like the Dark Knight trilogy were not completely a superhero film, but also a dark and gritty detective movie about a vigilante. The reason I am saying this is because this film takes one of the world's most prominent superhero characters is none another than 'batman' and by creating a film based on this dark humour and gritty atmosphere really takes away what audiences (especially children) already know of the character. The character (generally) is seen more comedic with the appearance of the joker. However, the film makers took their own spin on this film and directed it in a way audiences haven't seen before. It showed a new side of superhero movies and the ways these character can be presented. 

I could also talk about how other films were influenced by this 'dark and gritty' atmosphere in superhero movies. These include, Batman v Superman, Man of Steel, Watchmen, Dredd and Thor the Dark World and even Kickass (1 and 2).

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